VIDEO Romanian language lessons for Ukrainian refugees on „Telescoala” programme of Romania’s public television

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Foto: TVR
12 video Romanian language lessons for Ukrainian refugees.- children or their parents – are available on the Youtube channel of „Telescoala”, an educational channel run by Romania’s public television TVR. presents the lessons broadcast so far, which are included in a special playlist.

The first episode presents the letters of the Romanian alphabet, several greetings such as “Salut” (“Hello”), “Buna dimineata” (“Good morning”), “Noapte buna” (”Good night”), “La revedere” (Goodbye). Also included are several conversation staples: “Cum te cheamă? “(What’s your name?”), “Ce faci?” (“How are you?”), “Numele meu este…” (“My name is…”), “Bine” (“OK”), “Multumesc” (“Thank you”), “Ne vedem mai tarziu” (“See you later”):

With the second episode, children can repeat the letters of the Romanian alphabet, the greetings and common phrases. The lesson continues with learning personal pronouns, the conjugation of “a se numi” (the verb used in Romanian for phrases such as ‘my name is…’) and questions such as “Ce faci?” (“How are you?”), “Cine vorbește?” (“Who is talking?”), “Cum este?” (“How is it?”), “Cum a venit?” (“How did she/he come?”):

In the third episode, children can learn about numbers (figures from 0 to 9, numbers from 10 to 19, forming other numbers of tens and units, of hundreds and thousands), masculine and feminine grammatical genders and the plural and singular nouns:

The fourth video lesson presents the components of a house (furniture, rooms) in Romanian, as well as colours, the characteristics of an object and of a being:

The fifth lesson teaches the family members and relatives, as well as adjective comparison degrees (such as big, bigger, just as big, the biggest):

The sixth TV lesson teaches the days of the week in Romanian, as well as the months, seasons, clock reading, the daily schedule of a person:

The seventh lesson helps children learn body parts, as well as verb conjugation forms:

The eighth episode deals with space orientation, pronouns and demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those):

The ninth lesson teaches the names of transportation vehicles, how to phrase certain requests, the conjugation of verbs in present tense:

The tenth lesson deals with “Where can we spend our spare time?”, sports and prepositions:

The 11th lesson tells about the Romanian coins and banknotes, the names of clothing items and shoes, as well as the past Perfect:

The 12th lesson teaches the names of fruits and vegetables in Romanian, as well as other basic food and recipes, plus present subjonctive

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